Trouble Seeing our Website?

If the website looks distorted, it might be a setting on your computer. The following general system recommendations are suggested for viewing our website.

General System Recommendations


For the best experience, be sure you are using the most recent version of your web browser. An outdated web browser could impair website functions and have serious security flaws.

Update Your Web Browser

We support the following browsers. Make sure you are using the latest version.

Screen Resolution & Display Settings

We recommend display settings of at least 1024 x 768 and "true color" (32 bit). If your setting is 800 x 600, you may have issues seeing graphics and text.

If your color depth is 256 colors, the web page may round a "true color" to one of the 256 "palette colors" resulting in a completely different color.

Connection Speed DSL or Cable modem recommended (56K or faster minimum)
Fonts If the font appears too big, set it one size smaller and the pages should appear closer to the way we have created them or use a lower screen resolution.
Javascript This site uses JavaScript. Be sure that your browser's JavaScript plug-in is enabled.
Pop-ups If you don't get a response when you click a button or link, you may have a popup blocker. Allow your browser to show pop-up windows while you are visiting our site.

Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later version to view PDF files. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader

Macromedia Flash Player 7.0 or later version to view video.