Prepare with ice melt!

As winter moves in and temperatures drop, the appearance of ice on your property poses hazards for your residents, staff, and guests. Prevent ice buildup on sidewalks, walkways, driveways, stairs, and rooftops with ice melt. Stock up on ice melt supplies before the harsh winter starts so you are ready for immediate de-icing.

What Is Ice Melt?

Ice melt, as the name suggests, is any product used to melt ice and is available in various formats including granules, pellets, powder, flakes, or liquid.

When ice melt product is applied, it creates a chemical reaction that lowers the freezing point, and liquefies, or melts, the ice. The type of chemical in your ice melt product determines the ability, rate, and temperature at which melting occurs.

Ice Melt Chart

Types of Ice Melt

Typically, ice melt granules are the most effective. They are less likely to blow away in windy conditions, and they penetrate deeper than powder or flakes. Ice melt products can be pure concentrations or blends of fast-acting chemicals such as:

  • Sodium chloride (rock salt)
  • Magnesium chloride
  • Calcium chloride
  • Potassium chloride

Popular ice melt products include:

Shop Excel Calcium Chloride Ice Melt

Excel™ Calcium Chloride

Shop Excel Calcium Chloride Ice Melt

Excel™ Calcium Chloride high-powered pellets work immediately, quickly penetrating frozen surfaces. It leaves no powdery residue, and is safe on concrete and vegetation when used correctly. Calcium chloride pellets are the most efficient ice melter available. Excel melts snow and ice to -25°F.

Shop Excel Calcium Chloride Ice Melt
Shop Road Runner Ice Melt

Road Runner Ice Melt

Shop Road Runner Ice Melt

Road Runner Ice Melt is a combination of calcium chloride pellet, magnesium chloride pellet, and sodium chloride, creating a fast-acting ice melt option at a reasonable price. The pellet works quickly and lasts longer. Road Runner melts snow and ice to -15°F.

Shop Road Runner Ice Melt
Shop Traction Melt Cl Ice Melt

Traction Melt CI ®

Shop Traction Melt Cl Ice Melt

Traction Melt CI ® is made up of sodium chloride granules encapsulated by liquid magnesium chloride. Corrosion inhibitor is added to reduce damage to metal surfaces. It is fast-acting and an environmentally preferable option popular with many state and city departments of transportation. Traction melts snow and ice to 0°F.

Shop Traction Melt Cl Ice Melt
Shop Green Scapes Ice Melt

Green Scapes™ Ice Melt—Environmentally Preferable Option

Shop Green Scapes Ice Melt

Green Scapes™ is an efficient ice melter that is safe for sidewalks and vegetation. Each granule contains magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, liquid Ice Ban, corrosion inhibitor, and green dye. The green color allows for easier and fewer applications. Green Scapes melts snow and ice to -10°F.

Shop Green Scapes Ice Melt

Applying Ice Melt

Always follow manufacturer directions for the use and handling of ice melt products. Ice melt should never be applied to concrete less than one year old. Do not use more than the recommended amount—typically about one cup per square yard. Over-applying can harm the environment and damage surfaces. Use safety gloves, ice traction devices for shoes, and an ice melt spreader for an even and effective application.

Ideally, ice melt should be applied when a storm is expected; that is, before ice and snow appear. Applying ice melt ahead of time helps prevent ice from bonding to the roads and walkways. However, this is not always possible, so you want to have snow removal equipment on hand. If you apply ice melt during the snowfall, it may help keep snow from becoming hard-packed and make removal easier. Also, slush should be promptly cleared away to prevent excess moisture from being absorbed into the concrete during the freeze/thaw cycle.

Prepare for severe winter storms and other emergencies by stocking up on necessary supplies and having a plan in place. Learn More About Emergency Preparation

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